제목: Inbound Marketing
저자: Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah
브라이언 요약:
- 웹사이로 사람을 모아라.
- 구글, 블로그, 소셜미디어를 통해 모으라.
- Remarkable한 컨텐츠를 만들어라.
- 구글SEO (검색엔진최적화)작업은 중요하다.
브라이언 노트:
- People did not want to be interrupted by marketers or harassed by salespeople. They wanted to be helped.
1. Shopping has changed...Has your marketing?
- Who moved my customer? 1. Search Engine: Google 2. Blogosphere 3. Social Media
- Obama Success Story: Blog
2. Is Your website a marketing hub?
- It is not what you say. it is what others say about you.
- You want your website to be a large dot that is connected to many other websites, in other words, a hub.
- Your visitors are not particularly interested in your site's design. They need Information. (정보 > 웹디자인)
- 1. Add some collaborative functionality to your site. 2. Start creating lots of compelling content people will want to consume. 3. Start focusing on where the real action is: Google, industry blogs, and Social Media.
3. Are you worthy?
- Stop interrupting. Get found by them instead.
- The trick is to stand out by becoming as remarkable as possible to a segment buyers.
- Watch your competitors, but don't follow them.
- Blue Ocean Strategy
- Example: The Grateful Dead (CD free concert money)
4. Create remarkable content
- First, remarkable content attracts links from other websites pointing to your website.
- Second, remarkable content is easily and quickly spread on social media sites.
- The links never go away.
- You gotta give to get: The more remarkable content and the more transparent you are about it, the more links to your site and the better it will rank in the search engine.
- Create Remarkable content > Optimize > Publish > Market > Measure
- You might consider making your next-full-time marketing hire a writer/journalist, rather than a career marketer.
5. Get found in the blogosphere
- How frequently they need to write: a minimum of one per week.
- with regard to SEO, the most important part of your article is the title.
- match the article title with the phrase being searched.
- Anchor text
- Spend half your time writing the article and half your time writing a catchy title.
- Distribute via forum, email, comment
- A blog is a durable asset that delivers durable value that lasts.
- The blog article delivers value on a semi-permanent basis.
- Tracking your progress (# of subscribers, visitors, qualified leads, new customers. # of date, author, visitors, comments, and links)
- Success Story: WholeFoods Blog
6. Get found in Google
- People searching on Google are actually looking fro something. They do have a specific goal.
- Paid vs Free: Visitors click on these results much more often than they do the paid results. 75% of searchers click the organic listings while 25% click on the paid results.
- Google's first page captures over 89% of the traffic. 1st ranked result captures about 42% of the traffic.
- Google does: 1. Crawls 2. Index and Rank
- How Google's Brain Works: Relevance and Authority (Title tag, Page content, and Anchor Text)
- It's about links from other web pages. Get as many links as possible from as many high-authority sites as possible.
- Picking the perfect Keyword: Relevance, Volume, and difficulty
- PPC: You can pick a set of keywords and being generating traffic almost immediately. and you can measure what the conversion rate is.
- On-Page SEO
- Tips from the trenches for page titles:
- Put your most important keywords in your page title.
- Earlier words in the page title.
- for human
- Putting your company name at the end of the title.
- Adding an effective description
- Meta description tag is information about a web page
- Keep them short and no more than 160 characters
- Every page should have a unique description
- Use your keywords in your description
- Domain Names and SEO
- Page Content
- Headings
- Images
- Off-Page SEO
- Requesting links from others
- Measuring the value of inbound links.
- Factors that affect link value: authority, Do/No follow, number of other links, anchor text.
- Black Hat SEO
7. Get found in Social Media
8. Visual Content
9. Software and tools as Content
10. Convert Visitors into Leads
- Calls-to-action (Webinars, what papers or reports, ebook, consultation, research studies, free class, demo, or trial offer)
- Begin with Verb
11. Convert Prospects into Leads
- Landing Page
- Your landing page has one function only: to get people to fill out your form.
- Many marketers spend 80% of their time worrying about conversion rates and 20% of their time on getting more visitors. You spend 80% of your time getting more visitors, and 20% of your time getting higher conversion rates.
- Zappos example: Google SEO
12. Convert Leads to Customers
- Email Auto responder.
13. Make Better Marketing Decisions
- First step is to create a living, breathing sales and marketing funnel to help you make marketing investment decisions.
- Prospect > Lead > Opportunity > Customer
14. Picking and Measuring Your People
- Jack Welch and GE: Jack spent 50% of his time on talent acquisition, evaluation, and development
- Energy, Energizers, Edge, Execute
15. Picking and Measuring a PR Agency
16. Watching Your Competition
17. On commitment, Patience, and Learning
18. Why Now?
Bonus. Entrepreneur's Guide to Startup Marketing
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